While doing some exercises in the book Learn to Program by Chris Pine, trying to rename some files
I noticed a strange functionality as part of some exercise that was renaming pictures from a folder.
Using the method File.rename(old_name, new_name)
after running my program, it seems that the file hasn’t been renamed; instead, it has been deleted, but that’s not what happened.
Ruby renamed and moved the file to my print working directory (pwd).
What solved it was giving an absolute path to the method.
File.rename(old_name, "/Users/gus/Desktop/myImages/new_name")
And I thought that was some tedious work. I look up in Ruby doc and found that ruby
is smart enough to provide a method.
File.join(Dir.pwd, "new_name")
This method will concatenate every string we pass it, providing the path to our file.
Here is my final code for the exercise.
Dir.chdir "../../Desktop/Images"
pictures = Dir['*.{jpg,jpeg}']
pictures.each do |picture|
puts "The #{picture} is inside the folder what do you want to do: 1) rename, 2) delete, 3) nothing"
answer = gets.chomp.to_i
if answer == 1
puts "So you want to rename it. Good what you want to rename it"
answer = gets.chomp
File.rename(picture, File.join(Dir.pwd, answer))
puts "The picture now it is #{answer}"
elsif answer == 2
puts "You want to delete it"
unless file.exists?(picture)
puts "The file has been delete it"
puts "so you want to do nothing to the file"
puts "Done !!!!"
puts "Thanks for handeling our images."