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Dry-web-roda for Rails Developers Part II (Persistence)

·897 words·5 mins
ruby dry-rb ORM rom-rb

Following my previous post, Dry-web-roda part 1, I have decided to create my small website to keep track of all the things I learn throughout the day.

Yes, I know, another Today I Learned Website 😓 - til_web, but this time I started with the persistence layer, and I wanted to share my experience with you.

First, we need dry-web-roda to behave as our web application stack. When creating a new project with it, we have two options regarding our application’s architecture point of view: umbrella or flat.

Umbrella means that our functionality will be divided into sub-apps - for example, the public and admin sites.

Flat is a simpler architecture with a single module for the entire app.

In my app, I decided to use the flat option for simplicity at the beginning, but in the future, I plan to move to sub-apps.

Let’s start by creating our new application by running the new command:

dry-web-roda new til_web --arch=flat

Today, we will focus mainly on the persistence layer.

To start, we must create our new development database; note that the name will be extracted from the project’s name (in this case, til_web_development). All the ENV information is in the .env file at the project’s root.

Currently, we only support PostgreSQL (gem pg) as the database storage. If you don’t have it installed, I find it really easy to use the postgres app to reduce the burden.

To create the database we can use some of the commands that the Postgres app installed for us:

create_db -h localhost til_web_development`

Let’s continue creating some migrations files to set up our database schema. dry-web-roda uses rom-rb as its persistence toolkit. This allows us to have a clean separation of responsibilities and make an app that remains easy to change.

We can use the rake task provided to create a new migration file:

bundle exec rake db:create_migration[add_author]

The command will create a new file inside our db/migrate folder.

Rom uses sequel for the database migration engine.

For any aspect related to migrations, please refer to the Sequel documentation

We continue by creating a table and adding some fields to it.

ROM::SQL.migration do
  change do
    create_table :tils do
      primary_key :id

      column :title, String, null: false
      column :text, 'text', null: false
      column :created_at, DateTime,  null: false, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
      column :updated_at, DateTime, null: false, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Running bundle exec rake db:migrate will create our new table.

Now that we have created a database table, we can start making some Relations, Commands and Repositories all of this concepts belongs to rom-rb.

Inside our lib/persistence folder we have relations and commands folders.

Relations are the interface to a particular collection in our data source, which is either a table or a view in SQL. We could think of them as our models.

module Persistence
  module Relations
    class Tils < ROM::Relation[:sql]
      schema(:tils) do
        attribute :id, Types::Serial
        attribute :title, Types::Strict::String
        attribute :text, Types::Strict::String

      def by_id(id)
        where(id: id)

We must define a schema and some composable, reusable query methods to return filtered results from our database table.

module Persistence
  module Commands
    class CreateTil < ROM::Commands::Create[:sql]
      relation :tils
      register_as :create
      result :one

Commands are used to write to our database. By default ROM comes with create, update and delete, but you can create your custom ones by following the commands guide.

Finally, let’s create our Repository. The repository works as the primary interface to interact with our database.

For my project, I created the folder repositories inside the til_web, which would use auto_register from dry-system to register them in my container.

require 'til_web/repository'

module TilWeb
  module Repositories
    class Tils < TilWeb::Repository[:tils]
      def [](id)

Our last step is to create some sample data to play with it in the console.

We open our sample_data.rb file and change it to:

# need the application to be booted in order to access the container.
require_relative '../system/boot'
require 'faker'

def create_til(attrs)
  # this line is use to access the rom container, that is created at the booting process
  # of the application.
  # inside the `system/boot/rom.rb`

20.times do
    title: Faker::Lorem.sentence(4),
    text: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(5)

We use bundle exec rake db:sample_data to populate the database.

Now accessing the console by typing bin/console allows us to check that everything has been stored in the database.

To access the repository, we type TilWeb::Conatiner['repositories.tils'], which will return an instance of TilWeb::Repositories::Tils with all the dependencies that it needs.

Lastly, we can check that there is data in the database by writing TilWeb::Container['repositories.tils'][1]

> TilWeb::Container['repositories.tils'][1]
=> #<ROM::Struct::Til id=1 title="Illo qui laborum dolores." text="Illum laboriosam adipisci incidunt. Ad aliquam ratione non adipisci quia velit. Veritatis eum minus ut quod mollitia sit. Ea tenetur aliquam fugit mollitia. Rerum ratione et dignissimos a et enim necessitatibus. Animi nesciunt qui rerum voluptatem ipsum atque ad.">

And that’s it 🎉.

I know some concepts are different than what we are used to working with, and I could keep talking about them, but this post is getting quite long, so I will stop here for now.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please share, and I’ll be happy to answer in the comments.

Also, here are some extra resources regarding rom-rb at it’s benefits.

Thank you for reading this far!